What is Sciatica:

Sciatica is a pain that radiates down the leg, and originates from the Lumbar Spine nerve root. Sciatica pain can be sharp and stabbing, and may travel as far as the knee or even the foot. The pain can come and go, or be constant. Typically, activities that involve forward bending worsen sciatica.
What causes sciatica?
The most common cause of sciatica is the intervertebral disc pressing on a Lumbar spine nerve root. The reasons for a disc protrusion can vary. Repeated forward bending, poor posture, or a twisting mechanism of injury can all result in a protruded disc.
Any situation that narrows the space in which the spinal nerve exits is called stenosis. Stenosis may result from bone spurs that narrow the foramen linked to osteoarthritis. This can also compress the nerve, and result in sciatica.
What are the symptoms of sciatica?
The hallmark sign of sciatica is pain in the buttock, that then travels down the leg. The pain can be severe and sharp, or dull. Sometimes, the symptoms are not even described as pain, but instead described as numbness, tingling, or a “funny feeling”. Even though sciatica originates from the Lumbar spine nerve root, there may or may not be low back pain present. There is a vast amount of variability in the presentation of symptoms for sciatica. In fact, sciatica symptoms may vary day to day in the same patient.
How can physical therapy help with sciatica?
The physical therapist will evaluate your lumbar mobility and posture in order to determine what restrictions you may have. These limitations can cause poor movement patterns that contributed to sciatica forming. The therapist will then analyze the results from the mechanical testing and construct an individualized program to improve mobility and function. Once the leg pain subsides, which is called “centralization”, the physical therapist will then educate you on how to safely perform important functional tasks again, such as bending forward and lifting. Our goal is to get you back to doing the things you love as quickly as possible. The Mckenzie Method has been found to relive pain faster than manual therapy alone.